Every year tens of thousands of individuals in the United States are seen and treated for slip and fall injuries. While these injuries are often minor including cuts, bumps, bruises, mild concussions and minor bone fractures, there are many cases that can take months and even years of recovery time. More serious slip and fall injuries might include severe concussions, multiple bone fractures, brain injuries and even death. The most common reasons for slip and fall injuries include:
- Unstable surfaces – According to the National Floor Safety Institute, nearly two million slip and fall cases are the result of a faulty flooring surface. These surfaces may be wet, cluttered, or contain loose tiles, carpeting or floorboards. Other hazards might include potholes, uneven sidewalks or inadequate stairways. If a slip and fall injury of this nature occurs in a place of business or other public area, you mi
ght be eligible for financial compensation.
- Weather related issues – Snow, ice, rain, sleet and other weather issues can create hazardous conditions on pathways, stairs, sidewalks and other locations. Taking care when traveling in these conditions is of paramount importance. If a surface is in a public area, it should be properly cared for by the property owner. Businesses should maintain a clear path in a reasonable amount of time after a weather incident to ensure the safe passage of patrons.
- Health care facilities – The National Floor Safety Institute also reports that slip and fall injuries are the leading cause of death in persons 65 or older. Additionally, 60% of individuals in nursing homes suffer a fall each year. Older individuals are less agile and can suffer from balance issues, making it important to provide clear walkways and handrails for added balance.
You may think that obtaining compensation for a slip and fall injury is a straightforward legal proceeding. However, generally these are very complicated cases because the negligent party will almost always try to blame the person who fell and argue they had no “notice of the dangerous condition.”
The Morrissey Law Firm, PC, is located in Springfield, Missouri, and focuses in personal injury and wrongful death trial work. If you need a personal injury or wrongful death attorney, please visit our website or call (417) 887-0529 to schedule a consultation.